The Culture Podcast

Hilarious banter with basic common sense

This is a pod I want to listen to within the weeks of its release usually because it has great discussion on current events. Ant may not like guests, but it definitely works when Mike joins for a full spectrum discussion on food and nutrition from lactation to inflation of produce. Spit out my expensive latte with laughter. Told five friends about this show and eagerly await the Hip Hop Erotica series on OF :) Their segment on “is it racist?” Is signature part of the show and the way they research and share details about current events is filled with critical thinking and a reasonable amount of ego check. One of the best ways I’ve wanted to hear about current events since surrendering to “late night news” with Trevor Noah! Keep it coming!

Dec. 4, 2022 by Ten Hands One Home on Apple Podcasts

The Culture Podcast

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