April 21, 2023

God Complex

God Complex

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Another shooting? 17 mass shootings already this year in the United States and we are only in April. Jeff and Ant evaluate what needs to be done about this American epidemic. What should be done about gun control? Also, is Jonathan Majors' career over?

Topics Discussed:

  • National Cannabis Day
  • Everybody has a marijuana line
  • Alabama sweet 16 party gets shot up. 5 arrested and 4 dead
  • Ralph Yarl shot multiple times for knocking on wrong door
  • Kaylin Gillis shot to death for turning in the wrong driveway
  • Jonathan Majors' career might be in shambles as more victims come forward

Referenced Links:
Alabama Sweet 16 party shootings: Fifth suspect is arrested : NPR

Ralph Yarl shooting: Andrew Lester pleads not guilty (fox4kc.com)

Kaylin Gillis driveway shooting death: Father says he hopes suspect 'dies in jail' | Fox News

Jonathan Majors Issues Worsen as More Alleged Abuse Victims Cooperate With D.A. - Variety

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00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:10.199
Back we back we back we back yo, the second episode of the week, just like we promised.

00:00:03.509 --> 00:00:10.199
Coach a podcast man, Jeff. And

00:00:10.919 --> 00:00:13.978
yeah, how to feed a Lawnmower Man right now that's about it he either

00:00:15.750 --> 00:00:19.859
had before 20 Apparently for all my stoners.

00:00:20.789 --> 00:00:34.979
Oh yeah. A friend of mine. It asked me to come by I'm not doing it during the week, but it's him and 12 people, and they got to share from Brooklyn to make them a whole THC infused three course meal.

00:00:35.070 --> 00:00:38.520
Damn. For 20 celebrator.

00:00:35.070 --> 00:00:38.520
Yeah, so

00:00:38.700 --> 00:00:57.329
like, filled with like garden salad with THC fuse salad dressing. I think it was like, Palmer John and we crusted lamb chops. Some type of things like a pious like a pie or tart that was made with T T, or some other shit. I'm like, Y'all have fun.

00:00:57.329 --> 00:00:59.909
I'm going to film y'all off tomorrow. But y'all pocket so I'm worried about it.

00:01:00.960 --> 00:01:09.090
I was listening to how 97 this morning. I don't even know DJ envy has a line of pre rolls and shit. In association with some other stores some

00:01:09.090 --> 00:01:28.500
of the shit. It's a new market that people are trying to break into everybody's selling weed. Well, it depends on your level of popularity. how popular you got to be like, you know, I want to buy the DJ every pre rolls, right? Like I guess he'll do 50 But like, envy, like I started in New York. Who gives gives a shit? I mean, it's still going backwards.

00:01:28.530 --> 00:01:38.730
Yeah, I think it's in New York. Yeah, but everybody got a fucking Ric Flair. pro wrestler Ric Flair has a line of fucking cannabis. Mike Tyson has some shit. Everybody has some shit.

00:01:39.420 --> 00:01:47.129
But Mike been on his for a while. So it's like, it's reasonable. He stayed. He eats in his pocket is getting high like, right? That's the thing, but it's certain

00:01:47.129 --> 00:02:01.560
people that it makes sense. You know, I'm saying if you get like Snoop Dogg met the man, you know, people that you know, smoke shit. But then it'd be like random people. You'd be like, damn, they got a line of weird, you know, be like Martha Stewart cannabis line. Like what? There'd be some random shit.

00:02:02.430 --> 00:02:19.169
As your party cooking to be part of your night. Nice and neat. And like different colors and shit. Like like pottery or whatever. Like, Martha probably got some like some real ingenious looking shit. I don't know, because you hire like that. She just has the thing is it's cool. And a veto.

00:02:19.169 --> 00:02:37.770
But I mean, it's like it's a new burgeoning market. And someone's going to be able to go and find a right celebrity who does the right thing like Snoop to easy's but Snoop has been at it for a while. What it's like, like, alright, like the moment they come up with like, ovo pre rolls. Yeah. Yeah. Like a little bag. A little owl on it. Like Steve

00:02:37.770 --> 00:02:41.009
Urkel has a line of the purple Urkel Purple Purple. Yay.

00:02:42.449 --> 00:02:51.360
I mean, I'm sorry. It was a thing. That didn't work. I think it's like not a township like it's a board or whatever.

00:02:51.780 --> 00:02:57.509
Because it was it was a dispensary that required was going to build in downtown north but right now it's on hold.

00:02:58.080 --> 00:03:04.919
Because I didn't want to near kids and shit like that. Like we passed that point over last night. I gotta let that go. I wasn't able to look it up real quick.

00:03:05.338 --> 00:03:07.709
They got gun shops and liquor stores around kids.

00:03:08.639 --> 00:03:29.639
Were required. Yeah, they do. It was gonna be a cannabis lounge right on Broad Street, which it wasn't for we're gonna call hash storia but they right now still on hold but he's still trying to get it to go through the north Planning Board shut it down. They're gonna build it right on Broad Street but right now it's on hold but hopefully he gets it.

00:03:30.330 --> 00:03:36.000
It creates jobs creates opportunities for business. Like you can't complain about that.

00:03:33.840 --> 00:03:38.699
We have liquor stores right there like you're trying to pick your vices it's not fair.

00:03:39.509 --> 00:03:40.740
Whatever people do what they do

00:03:41.550 --> 00:03:57.539
i But let's get down to the nitty gritty. Another shooting another fucking shooting actually multiple shootings in the past week. The first one we're gonna dive into is the one in Alabama. How does the sweet 16 party gets shot up?

00:03:58.050 --> 00:04:14.159
How does that happen? Bro? You celebrating your sweet 16 You mean you like what a quarter of your life and somebody just run up in that bitch and just start shooting. Five had been arrested so far, four have been killed or were killed.

00:04:15.719 --> 00:04:37.379
And I guess it's one to kind of bring up the topic because people always talk about you know, gun control and shit like that. But this like always said it's it's something that we're good at into the show before talking about it. You're not really going to change much you would like to but like, how do you stop this and likes it.

00:04:34.230 --> 00:05:51.629
And they're the ones that we're going to talk about seem to be like unnecessary acts of violence. They're all they all are. So I don't want to play the whole degree game. But like a school shooting, shooting at nightclubs, you're going to mosque shooting in a supermarket. And it's like you kind of wonder like these places become more and more unsafe to go to like the last place you Thinking about, you know, some kind of thing happened and it's some kind of celebration. But a whole bunch of people get shot couple people die. And like they find the shooter or the suspects, whatever. And from what I understand, it's not like they're old, like they're young like, like, why do you need to do this? Like, why? If you ain't got a problem with somebody, I don't know why it's no, no, just start scrapping. But I guess you can't do you think like, well, what the hell am I gonna be doing here scrapping if you know, they got a piece to it, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. Such a dangerous thing. We live in a society trying to figure out what the hell is this access to guns and people having them like, the young kids in mind is like they're in it, they don't have the consciousness to understand the importance of life is wiping it out left and right, just just shooting willy nilly, like, It's satisfying to me like, like, I can think about it rationally.

00:05:51.629 --> 00:05:54.779
But it's hard to kind of make sense of a situation like this.

00:05:54.779 --> 00:05:57.420
It just doesn't work. It's just dangerous Shit, I don't like it.

00:05:58.470 --> 00:06:17.040
And days later, another shooting took place in Maine. So so far, in less than four months, this year in the USA, we've had 17 mass shootings so far this year, and that's only in four in less than four months. A total of 88 people have died in mass killings this year.

00:06:18.000 --> 00:06:22.379
Remember, I told you before when done yet, like I hope this last one like isn't

00:06:22.829 --> 00:06:28.410
shit. Like I said, we're gonna probably do a whole a whole other podcast just dedicated just to fucking mass shootings.

00:06:29.220 --> 00:06:48.540
We could just chart it like, I remember we had we had we were on the guest and the other guy show we're talking about guns, like I said about the having that needed need and I haven't, but it just is not the access to guns just who's accessing it? Like there has to be a level of responsibility either through the gun manufacturers or somebody that they should not end up in the hands of, you know, children.

00:06:48.899 --> 00:06:54.420
The other situations that we're going to talk about those weren't children's, but I mean, it just as tragic though, period.

00:06:55.170 --> 00:07:48.120
Yeah. And these teenagers are going to get tried as adults and Alabama. Life over and guess why Alabama, another gun toting gun friendly gun loving fucking state. And then speaking of you know, people getting shot we talk about the young black kid Ralph y'all who got shot multiple times by old as Andrew Lester 85 oldest fuck that man Oh, my grandma because he inadvertently or mistakenly knocked on the wrong door. He was looking for his brother, whatever. He knocks on the wrong door at night. Oh, man, McGregor comes out and shoots his eyes in the head, cracked his skull. And then when he's on the floor, shoots him again shot him in the arm and shit. First of all, why does an 80 year old have a gun?

00:07:43.769 --> 00:07:57.779
Guns should have rules just like an audit should have rules for like drivers to like, if you get to a certain age, you shouldn't be able to drive. Like, I don't want to see an 80 year old driving and I don't want to see an 80 year old or a gun.

00:07:58.468 --> 00:08:19.499
I don't agree with that. I think the driving thing I think I think past the age of 65 You should get retested every two years. I agree. Like to actually you're going to do a road test and see if you still have it. And if you don't we're not taking away your license, but it's gonna be restricted like you can drive during daylight hours. Correct. But not during night. So I wouldn't snatch that away. But guns,

00:08:19.709 --> 00:08:25.139
your reflexes are not going to be the same at at your hand eye coordination. Your eyesight is all fucked up.

00:08:26.250 --> 00:08:27.360
Especially at nighttime.

00:08:27.959 --> 00:08:31.860
What I say visibility.

00:08:27.959 --> 00:08:38.789
I tell you one thing, they know the speed limit they will not exceed that shit. No, no, no, of course not. 25 or 24 No matter what both hands on the wheel.

00:08:39.179 --> 00:08:44.250
Looking at the mirrors like the professional is shit but like y'all can't step on it no more.

00:08:41.549 --> 00:09:26.279
Like it's the worst when you're on the highway boy 55 They're going 5460 They're going 59 Like they're not trying to pick I don't know if they got like on like, was like cruise control or something. But they used to get the foot at a particular angle like we are not going any faster and we didn't go into flow we can be right here. But that's one thing like the gun thing I kind of weirdly understand if I'm an 80 year old man living by myself I probably want to protect myself, but I'm not coming to the door with the gun every time somebody come now understand that somebody's unfamiliar, it just seems kind of unnecessary. I feel horrible about what happened I feel even worse that you know afterwards.

00:09:27.059 --> 00:09:43.740
I mean, he got shot in the head and a crack disco got shot again. He's going from door to door asking for help and he refused to help them until someone decided to like like someone's life has continued like it was someone knocking on my door and I can look out and see them blood and everything else like that. I'm like get please come to fucking talk.

00:09:44.309 --> 00:09:54.960
Stay right here. I'm going to call the cops and ambulance. He goes from door to door bang like I've been shot please send help whatever no one's like they probably looked at the blinds and cut the lights off or turn the TV up That's fucked up man.

00:09:55.379 --> 00:09:57.539
That young young man could almost died stupid.

00:09:58.649 --> 00:10:54.360
Yeah, tragedy and the grandson of Andrew Lester the fucking gunman said that it should have never happened he said it was stupid it should never happened. Right? Well What a fucking did happen he pleaded not guilty and he was actually released. You know, he took a man but then they released him until further notice, you know, they got to investigate. They figured this old man is gonna die any day now. You know, it was technically in his home, you know, on his front porch or whatever. So they're gonna probably be like, they're gonna probably say it was self defense or he had the right to do whatever because it was on his property and he not gonna happen as as meanwhile this kid actually survived. But now he's gonna probably have brain you know, some type of brain injuries. His mom said that he you know, he comes in and now sometimes he he speaks to them and he'll say like, why I didn't do anything wrong. I didn't do anything wrong. And sometimes he's not coherent. So you got a fucked up arm he got a fractured skull, which is probably never gonna be right. And he has to and he lives through the shit.

00:10:55.769 --> 00:11:20.549
Yeah, and with him, it is 100% the physical part is going to heal. But it's the whole thing like can I ever go to a door again? Like it's an anxiety you're always going to feel like that whole situation just doesn't seem like a tenement like the physical effects is always done it's just a mental and emotional after that. Like how do I heal from this all I was like, it wasn't like I was trying to get into some negative fucking bullshit.

00:11:17.159 --> 00:11:39.419
I was literally just trying to pick up my siblings from this place. I just happen to have the wrong place. He could have came to the door I but oh my bed wrong house and just went on about my merry way. Guess it from apparently they both kind of stood there didn't say anything. But he just know you shot him. And I'm like, What the fuck? Didn't know. Hello? Like, can I help you? Nothing else like that. Before he shot

00:11:39.419 --> 00:11:46.740
him. He told him don't ever come round here again. Bam, and then shot. I couldn't believe it. Well, I can't come back around here from dead motherfucker.

00:11:46.860 --> 00:11:49.980
Yeah. And looking at that man face like, Ooh, yeah.

00:11:50.490 --> 00:11:55.139
You look like the type can't feel that type is but it's like pornography. You know, when you see

00:11:55.169 --> 00:12:14.009
that's what I was gonna, I was gonna ask you is this incident? And is it an IT? Is that racist? They, they interview some of the neighbors in the area. And they said that that that community has a history of being racist, or you know, history of racism and discrimination against blacks.

00:12:15.059 --> 00:12:36.120
If it looks racist, walks, racist talks, racist, smells racist shoots racist. It probably is like, is a community that's not very forgiving of people of color, apparently. And the whole situation that you run into something like that? You would? Because the hardest part about this is like, what would happen if it was someone who was white? And I don't know that?

00:12:36.149 --> 00:12:38.399
Well, I do. Don't answer that.

00:12:36.149 --> 00:14:29.700
Because another situation like that happened. But it's more than since like, when Once this occurs, if apparently didn't have the history of that, I could see. But people are saying like, you know, it's kind of that way, even the grandson says, you know, my grandpa's a bit racist. It's not really hard to connect the dots there. Like it's pretty obvious, like what this is, and what this is, and good. And what this is it because you don't want to be in a situation where this comes about and all of a sudden, you know, this person's not going to get killed for color skin. And like it, you can look at it as either something being racist or like a very tragic accident. But it might be a combination of both because it should not have occurred. But maybe because it was black and because of the history of the area, it was maybe more likely to occur than it would anywhere else. So therefore is it has that racist tinge to it. I just feel bad for that kid. Because from what I'm understanding, it didn't seem like a problem child, he likes it. It takes a lot of responsibility for somebody to know take the time out there I'm gonna go pick up my siblings and go on about their merry way they come situation like this where you damn near died to try and do the right thing. Like say, because he bought some dumb shit, some gangs cheats, I'm not like that, that might have cost him his life. But to be this just kind of just pull up in this situation, that curve, that's heartbreaking, man. It really really is. I hope he you know, they did have a GoFundMe thing of over half a million dollars now. I'm glad he's getting the treatment, he does deserve glad he's doing a hell of a lot better. It just a long road to recovery after this. And I kinda sort of feel bad for the old man, like, you have to let us he left for us was kind of like enjoy and think back on, you know, the good times where you kind of detail and just trying to enjoy the limelight, you know, but now, the rest of life is gonna be filled with no court appearances and possibly prison time. Like it doesn't it did not end well for anybody.

00:14:29.909 --> 00:14:40.620
And just because of a mistake and address. And the fact that it came to this and this man had this young man and it's old man has basically have their lives altered because of a mistake.

00:14:41.669 --> 00:14:54.480
It's a tragedy, and the kid was only 16 So you got a young 16 year old black boy. And then an 8485 year old white man it's like, you know two sides of the car and shit. Like one

00:14:54.629 --> 00:15:02.610
stream isn't shit. One guy live with it for the rest of his life, the other has to live with it for the remaining part of his life. Yeah, it's a shame.

00:15:03.090 --> 00:15:59.220
And I said, you know, the kid played the instrument school. Saxophone? Yep. And you know, and this happened in what Kansas? I said, right. And Kansas is known to be one of the weakest, you know, states when it comes to gun laws in the whole us. Like they got gun violence rates above the national average in Kansas Jesus. So I just point out the states every time we said Alabama before now is Kansas, because it's a there's a pattern here of when the state where these things happen in certain states where these things have I mean, you know, shootings happen in every state. But the majority like I said, it's been 17 Already this year. And when you look at the states there's a pattern the majority of the states are the ones that have the weak gun laws. You know, the the gun friendly states where it's easy to buy a gun where it's easy to walk around with a gun. The Alabama is the Florida's the Atlanta Georgia has you know, Tennessee's are the world, the Kentucky's and shit.

00:16:00.090 --> 00:16:13.139
And it seems so dangerous and so nonsensical, like, you don't have to have this and people always complain after every shooting. The President plays like, you know, peace prayers and understanding.

00:16:09.269 --> 00:16:13.139
I'm like, Y'all are too tired.

00:16:13.139 --> 00:16:52.559
And with these people, you don't really want to do anything about this gun laws, because you really wanted to, you really could have, you're not strengthening it, you're not making it no difficult to make it more accessible. And I'm saying if you have the right to own a gun, and you have a right to own a gun, but like I said, it is a weapon that can take away lives, like it should take a while you get a license to drive. What you get basically in the beginning is like a like a kind of a preliminary and not even a permanent one. Just for you to make sure you get the understanding of everything is over the next few months. And so if you don't get any violations and no issue, something like that, they issue your full license. Like I don't want people to take their guns away.

00:16:52.590 --> 00:17:10.140
If you want to have them you can have I just need to create a few more steps that make it really, really, and I mean, really difficult for someone to get one because if you got it I mean you earned it whatever hoops it had you jumping through you did it they really have to get to a point and to get the shit out of control.

00:17:11.759 --> 00:17:13.950
I don't know man, I just don't like I've said it before.

00:17:14.279 --> 00:17:17.609
And I'm gonna keep saying it.

00:17:14.279 --> 00:17:43.289
There's some godly shit. You know, some godly complex. I don't like having that power in my hands. You know what I'm saying? And I don't think anybody should really have that power to be taking people's lives so easily. And since we're on the topic of shootings, we have one more shoe and it happened recently. Caitlyn a woman by the name of Kailyn Gillis got shot to death for turning in the wrong driveway.

00:17:36.329 --> 00:17:51.000
God damn people don't even want you anywhere near the property bro. Like GET THE FUCK OUT MY drives like I'm trying to do a K turn yo get the fuck out. Bam, bam, bam. You shot up,

00:17:51.029 --> 00:18:10.440
you know, the thing between you know, the the young man the black young man and white young woman. It really comes to the question like What is the point and purpose and functionality actually have a Stand Your Ground law? Like you got the right to do it, but like how far does it extend like?

00:18:11.009 --> 00:18:18.059
Should a person be like about to enter your house? Like she wouldn't even have like she's in a car, right? He just thought he just came out the house and Pet Pet

00:18:18.419 --> 00:18:24.929
voraus Burrell. Y'all didn't even get into the house either. He was just outside ringing the doorbell. Right and got shot up.

00:18:26.069 --> 00:18:33.869
Somebody brought up an interesting point like, would he have shot? Ralph? If Ralph was wearing an Amazon vest?

00:18:34.529 --> 00:18:39.029
Hmm. What do you have shot Ralph and Ralph was white. Let's go here.

00:18:40.200 --> 00:18:44.369
If Mark was white when Amazon vests he pride Oh, no, this is this is the wrong house.

00:18:44.400 --> 00:18:47.549
Yeah, didn't order no one tried next door. I cool. Thank you, right.

00:18:48.569 --> 00:18:52.559
He just saw this young black boy like oh, he's a danger. He's a threat to my life.

00:18:53.189 --> 00:18:55.769
If I'm gonna rob your house, am I gonna ring your doorbell?

00:18:57.779 --> 00:18:59.700
Um, no, unless you're really bow criminal.

00:18:59.910 --> 00:19:01.829
You know, I'm saying like,

00:19:01.829 --> 00:19:04.170
I want you to, I want to I want to see my face before I kill you.

00:19:05.069 --> 00:19:20.039
Just stand your ground shoot is wild, though. Like, because I could just be outside like, I feel like shooting some of the focus today. Whoever passes by my driveway. That's technically my property. I'm just gonna shoot him. cops come Yes, I was standing my ground.

00:19:16.079 --> 00:19:30.450
His bike touched my grass. His car was in my driveway when it was making a U turn he he walked on my sidewalk. I felt threatened bro. That's my that's my property. I have the right to shoot. Is that where we're at now?

00:19:31.769 --> 00:19:46.740
Just might be. I mean, you can even say is that where we're at? Now? You just proved with these two things. That Yeah, that's exactly what you are. This is what people are doing. They're running around.

00:19:41.849 --> 00:19:52.650
They have their firearms. They think any kind of indistinguishable thing is a threat. Like midnight, even in their house, in their driveway.

00:19:53.039 --> 00:20:35.910
What it was, Oh, I'm gonna bring this up right now. And it was I'm trying to apologize ladies and gentlemen, I want to pull this up right now because yeah, it was it was a something that happened I literally just fucking so here we go there we go I'm gonna read it off real quick and they're looking for this dude. They're searching for this guy, North Carolina man I literally saw the six year old her parents and an additional neighbor at the basketball rolled into his yard. local and federal law are still uncertain for the suspect who was also charged with assaulting his girlfriend with a sledge hammer in December. The Gaston County Police Department see the 911

00:20:35.910 --> 00:20:51.359
44pm on Tuesday by the local shooting. Investigators later determined that 24 year old Robert Louis Singletary seriously injured one adult female and one juvenile female that was a separate female that was grazed by a bullet why second adult male was hit.

00:20:48.089 --> 00:21:28.019
Apparently something happened where a group of kids were playing basketball on the street, which we all just kind of do. The ball rolled into his yard. He fired the gun at the neighbor then he proceeded father and son. And then he shot them, he shot the kid and he shot the dad. Then he shot to other people and now the police are looking for him. This is where we're going with the sheer basketball. Kids can't even have fun. You know how many times the police treat basketball and shit in the road. And so my yard what it was like that, like you just go get the ball, you don't think you're gonna get shot. Like the guy that screams like, I'm going to kill you over a basketball.

00:21:25.349 --> 00:22:01.740
And it's the same guy who basically like tried to, you know, no, beat his girlfriend with a a mini sledge hammer. And he's on the street. And somehow you know, he's free and clear, you're gonna get charged in September, December, I apologize for being at home to go ahead and shoot for people is my father's a man if he's a black do too. I don't understand. I don't understand the irrationality of the things that people do. When it comes to understanding and common courtesy and respecting other people. Like you're going to shoot a child over a kid's game.

00:22:02.700 --> 00:22:36.450
Like, oh, like, every time we play. Imagine playing football on the street as a kid. And all of a sudden someone owes the throws and kind of know, takes against somebody's car, and they come out and shoot you. Now, you wouldn't think that when you're the kid but it's the kind of world we're living in now. Like that might be a real possibility. And the thing is like No, it wouldn't be real possibly it's always a possibility once it happens like this is wholly unnecessary. And like I said a man with that kind of on the history shouldn't be out in the streets anyway, but somehow you know that shit is still undergoing and now he's going to run for no shooting.

00:22:37.799 --> 00:22:50.009
Before me shooting a child a six year old and apparently and grace to other people over a basketball in the shard we got this all fucked up.

00:22:50.039 --> 00:23:09.029
No, Caitlin Gillis was only 20 year old girl she was from New York. And she apparently wanted to be a marine biologist or a veterinarian and she was an honor student so dad says he hopes that the suspect dies in jail. And you probably won't.

00:23:10.500 --> 00:23:32.490
Like I like I never understood the whole I personally don't have a big iPhone I kind of person but when when your child dies or something like this, I understand your anger. I understand your frustration. Now it's not I don't know what the end result is going to be what that person will be in jail for a very long time probably the rest of their lives. Because that shooting was holding an asset. They weren't no threat.

00:23:30.000 --> 00:23:35.910
They were turning around the driveway because they got lost and you shot twice. It was just chilling

00:23:35.910 --> 00:23:37.710
on his porch brooches waiting to shoot somebody.

00:23:39.029 --> 00:24:02.009
Like like who sits in a porch with the hammer. Like like like when you go out into wars I have like a like a beer a blunt a cigarette or something. You got to hammer like it just chilling on your lap. Like if somebody was shot today, like the fuck man, go inside. Like protect your inside protect your property protected like, right?

00:23:58.380 --> 00:24:22.109
Exactly, like protect the sheet inside your house. I'm not gonna say like, Yo, you're on the curb, the curb is public fucking property. Like say I catering your drive people turn up your driveway all the time. And that's not that shouldn't be a death warrant. So, you know, it's a tragedy for both of them.

00:24:16.559 --> 00:24:49.140
You know, he lived, but he's gonna have a long road to recovery and long path back alone. I don't know if you've ever recovered. That's something I couldn't fathom, to deal with that kind of thing and then just look come to live a regular life after that. So other young girl was trying to really become something a student. When did I mean it could have been someone's mother? Could have been someone not not no more.

00:24:45.720 --> 00:24:58.049
Just because you made a wrong turn. And if this is where we're headed, and if y'all still couldn't get your head out of your ass is in regards to gun control. In a hopeless man, it really ain't.

00:24:59.190 --> 00:25:45.930
I'm endless to stop talking about death for a little bit, let's talk about the death of a career. We're talking about Jonathan majors because his issues continue to get worse because more and more women are coming out. You know, alleging abuse and they're cooperating with the with the with the police and shit. And this is sad. We talked about it when it first broke. Because it's like this dude's career was just about to take off, right? He got to box off his movies out right now in the theaters. co star and creed and he's a co star and Ant Man. He's a hell of an actor.

00:25:40.319 --> 00:26:06.299
And he's already losing endorsements. Disney bout to drop his ass. All types of shows and roles and commercials, everything's gone. And as fucked up, because you know, they say that you're innocent till proven guilty. But these companies, they don't want that stain. They don't even want to find out.

00:26:04.319 --> 00:26:08.700
They don't wait to find out because there's no patience.

00:26:06.299 --> 00:26:29.460
We're living in a microwave era, right? So everything has to be quick. You got to make quick decisions. You know, if you're a reporter, you gotta be quick to report some even if you're wrong, they don't care if they're right or wrong. They just have to be first to report something, right? They don't wait for the facts that come out. You just got to report it because you want to be first. It doesn't matter. The facts don't matter where That's where we're at. Now, facts don't matter.

00:26:25.019 --> 00:26:29.460
Right and wrong. Doesn't matter.

00:26:29.490 --> 00:26:36.900
The only thing that matters being first, first to report some first to say some shit.

00:26:32.190 --> 00:26:46.559
First a tweet some you know, I'm saying and we don't know if any of these allegations are true, because you know, we see that many times we see this shit just takes one person to come out.

00:26:42.660 --> 00:26:56.460
Then all of a sudden the floodgates open like oh shit, she might get some money out of this. Let me do this, too, because I met him one time and I liked the way he touched me. You know, when he he gave me a hug?

00:26:56.460 --> 00:27:17.039
I think he touched me a certain way I fuck it. I'm just gonna say that he touched me. Shall we still got people trying to sue Michael Jackson, the man been dead for many years. Yeah, back in 1993 touched me what? Any way that you could try to get some money people out here trying to get money. So you got to watch how you move out here, bro. If you're a celebrity.

00:27:18.720 --> 00:27:54.089
Now, like I said, it's management dropped them. Someone else dropped them. They're all kind of waiting for like, what is Marvel going to do before they totally dismiss them. But earlier today, because the woman claimed that he Shakur, and he, you know, put his hands around her neck and did something to her hand like Master Hand up or something else like that. But TMZ, which might at this point be the most recognizable and trustworthy news organization out

00:27:54.089 --> 00:27:56.880
there, which is very weird to say, Please don't tell me they got they got footage.

00:27:57.869 --> 00:28:05.670
They got footage of like, after whatever they have footage of her at a bar, right.

00:28:00.660 --> 00:28:08.279
Chillin, drinking, having a good time using the right hand that was apparently all fucked up.

00:28:08.849 --> 00:28:30.329
Looking just as fine as rain not disrupt. My whole thing is that if someone just choked me, oh, like assaulted me something else like that. I'm probably going to the cops. I'm not going out to the club. And that's kind of where she's at. So I think the story goes that his management team is basically like, the guy in the cab is willing to testify that there was no attack by him

00:28:30.479 --> 00:28:35.669
because he was in the car because he was with this lady before she went to the bar.

00:28:32.459 --> 00:28:36.179
Right, but there wasn't a cab together.

00:28:36.539 --> 00:28:42.539
The cab driver said he's willing to testify that there was no assault by Mr.

00:28:39.089 --> 00:28:42.539
Majors. She attacked him.

00:28:43.049 --> 00:28:50.730
Nothing. Nothing apparently came of this, that they have the video of her at the bar later after this alleged assault.

00:28:51.210 --> 00:28:55.200
looking fine and dandy. No worse for wear than after that.

00:28:55.200 --> 00:29:02.099
Apparently, she went to his hotel room called him more than 30 times but he was not home.

00:28:58.950 --> 00:29:02.099
It's about three in the morning.

00:29:02.700 --> 00:29:50.700
When he gets in at be, I believe sitting around 11am. They find he finds her knocked out sleep in the closet, apparently would vomit on the bed or whatever. He thinks that she's having a crisis moment. He called the cops there's apparently possibly video footage from the police is that the body cam and like apparently that might be the record and we're seeing like the cops were kind of coaching her towards what to say or something else to that degree. So I'm not saying that he's out of the thick or that everything's gonna be okay. I have no idea. But it's, I'm not gonna call it a tragedy because I really don't give a fuck about celebrities.

00:29:45.779 --> 00:30:34.619
If it's not what it is. He deserves an apology. If it's not what it is, I want him to always remember this, that when this should happen, it becomes He's exonerated and everything's all clear. I want him to remember all the people who skated right the fuck out of his corner and do not invite them back. Because if they supposed to believe in you the way that they're supposed to believe in you, they should stand by you. Now, if like anybody else like if, if a friend of mine is gone, like on some dumb shit like if he assaulted women, something else like that, you my man and my love you but I don't want no parts to do what you like you're out of my life. I ride with you to that point, you're going to tell me that nothing happened.

00:30:31.859 --> 00:30:36.660
Everything's cool. She like someone's like, like, you know what? I've known you forever.

00:30:36.660 --> 00:30:39.329
You seem to be a good character.

00:30:36.660 --> 00:30:39.329
Hopefully I chose a good person.

00:30:40.019 --> 00:30:46.890
I'm a row, which, if I hear anything of the like anything opposite of that. You did to me, I got nothing to do with you.

00:30:46.950 --> 00:30:58.529
And, Jonathan. If these allegations do clear up and his name is clear, he needs to remember everybody who walked away from him at a time where he needed them. And it turned into this hoping never for

00:30:58.589 --> 00:31:12.839
his attorney said Jonathan majors is innocent and has not abused anyone. We have provided irrefutable evidence to the district attorney that the charges are false, we are confident that he will be fully exonerated. You ever seen that show black mirrors on

00:31:13.140 --> 00:31:16.680
Netflix? It's one of my favorite shows. I watched it all the time. So they

00:31:16.680 --> 00:31:29.039
had one episode back in the day where obviously this is all in the future, all futuristic shit. Everybody had like a camera in their head, right? So through their eyes, everything they see is being recorded.

00:31:29.519 --> 00:31:32.970
It's my favorite episode. It's called the entire history of you. Oh, there

00:31:32.970 --> 00:31:54.029
we go. Eventually, you know, when we get to that, that's gonna be the way to basically, you know, determine if you're innocent or guilty. If there's some allegations I've met, let's just look at your eye camera. Boom, boom, boom, see everything that happened? Right?

00:31:49.769 --> 00:31:57.690
She lied. I use true you're going to jail. You know? I mean, real quick. We don't need to try. We just gotta look at this video, man.

00:31:58.740 --> 00:32:10.079
Yeah, I know definitely talking about because you see anything to the eyes, you can take time and rewind certain memories, and so on and so forth and see it from your perspective. I know. It's called the entire history you if their best episode, I've seen it so many times. It's scary.

00:32:11.130 --> 00:32:30.210
So that's what it's gonna come down to because you don't know what's true anymore. Unless the shit is on call on footage unless you have actual footage of the shit. There's no telling bro. So this is gonna drag out for months. Probably they probably he gonna probably be in court all year. Unless he just pays all these women off just to get rid of the situation. And even then, that still leaves a stink on you. Right?

00:32:31.380 --> 00:32:42.930
That stain never goes away. It's like, it's like being accused of rape. if nothing ever happened, right? You remember to do like, did not grow up. He raped you. But none of that got clear. But they always been.

00:32:40.529 --> 00:32:43.319
It's always like that scarlet letter. Right?

00:32:43.319 --> 00:32:51.750
And that's the Michael Jackson shit. That's the Michael Jackson. Should I keep telling people like, Yo, he was never found guilty of shit. But he paid off a lot of people just to get rid of the shit, right?

00:32:50.009 --> 00:33:13.890
Because he didn't want to be in court, paying court fees dealing with lawyers every day in court, that she gets tiresome, and it gets expensive. You know, I'm saying people have said this shit. Like, yo, even if I'm innocent, I'd rather just, you know, pay these people off and make it go away. And I said I'm old. And I mean, Eminem has said that she was like, I've never been guilty of anything that I've ever been accused of. But I've paid people off and it makes no makes you look guilty.

00:33:10.349 --> 00:33:13.890
In the court of public opinion.

00:33:14.759 --> 00:33:38.880
And the whole thing is that if you want to go to court, don't take the settlement. Yeah, don't if you don't want to do it, don't take the sediment you do. But like, well, this is just a massive amount of money. I'm going to take this and we'll just settle out of court. If you really felt like somebody did something wrong to you take it over the court. I mean, that's eventually got built jammed up because they've never went to court. And like I said, no one signed NDA, so on and so forth.

00:33:38.880 --> 00:33:41.460
They're like, Nah, fuck that.

00:33:38.880 --> 00:34:24.360
Bill Cosby got to the point where like, yeah, like, when women start coming forward, like, Nah, we're gonna say our names, you want to go to court, we're gonna tell you exactly what you did to us. Like it paid off plenty of people. But the whole thing is like, you know, sometimes the money can't buy certain things. You can't buy your freedom. I can't buy your sanity or peace of mind. In a situation like this with Jonathan. I hope it all works out. I think that he's a talented guy. But if he's some kind of vindictive, dangerous sociopath, he shouldn't be doing his job. He shouldn't be on anybody's movie screen, television screen, play stage, whatever. And that's how it has to be. But again, you kind of got to let this play out. If your lawyer says they have irrefutable proof, and you see it and you stand by it, and you know, your heart starts you didn't do it. Let's see how it all goes, man.

00:34:25.409 --> 00:34:48.179
But it's about that time but to wrap it up real quick. I want to hear from the coach or crew because I'm doing a little bit different now. I'm just sending it to them. The early access to the episodes, I'm sending it to the Patreon and you know, I feel like some of the I've gotten messages like yo, we're so but this week's episode I'm like, Yo, check your Patreon page. You know, I'm saying like I don't know some people don't got the app or they don't know how to mess with it.

00:34:48.179 --> 00:35:08.219
I know Patreon sends you an email notification like yo check your shit. So if not, I go back to just you know, texting it to people sending it through emails, sending it through the Facebook however I can find you you don't I mean let We know if you're if your know how to work the Patreon. And if I could continue to just post episodes on there for y'all. So you don't have to wait for the general public.

00:35:09.869 --> 00:35:11.880
If you can work Instagram, you can work Patreon.

00:35:11.880 --> 00:35:14.670
It's just a couple of clicks in the keystroke, it's not that hard.

00:35:14.940 --> 00:35:44.400
Just get the app man download the Patreon app so you can become a coach or crew member. But anyway. So yeah, my final thoughts. I'm gonna call it the grand finale. That's what I'm gonna call it grand finale, more shootings, to sum it up as more shootings. And we're already numb to it because it has become a constant in this country. A routine another fucking shoo in. In fact, we talked about three shootings in this episode, and nothing will be done about guns because why?

00:35:45.300 --> 00:35:50.849
It's just lives being lost, right? guns make too much money in the grand scheme of things.

00:35:48.480 --> 00:35:53.969
So the NRA and its affiliates will do whatever on their power to make sure nothing gets done.

00:35:54.659 --> 00:36:05.519
I went to a shooting range with you at one time. And I didn't like the power that holding a loaded gun gave me that godly power that at a fingers Twitch, I can end the life. No thanks.

00:36:05.550 --> 00:36:50.849
That kind of power doesn't sit well in my conscience. But I guess there's plenty of politicians and gun loving gun toting Americans would love that power. And speaking of God, God complexes. I said last week, nobody is above the law. And that's certainly both true for celebrities and actors. There's a god complex that celebrities get when they make it to a certain level where they see themselves above everybody who is less than them. Whether it's Donald Trump grabbing women by the pussy, Ellen DeGeneres be littering her TV show staff or Mariah Carey instructing people not to directly look her in the eyes. But with great power comes great responsibility like Uncle bedwin said. And the responsibility is to make sure you're in your best behavior especially in a time where everything is recorded.

00:36:47.550 --> 00:36:53.639
Everybody is a journalist, and news gets broken almost instantly if not in real time.

00:36:54.420 --> 00:37:17.130
There are Jeter once said that if he played during the social media and smartphone era his career would have lasted much shorter. Assume that everything you do is being recorded and comport yourself in a manner conducive to maintaining your success. Surround yourself with trouble and you will find trouble if not, it will surely find you. Jonathan majors may be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law but in the court of public opinion, you are guilty until proven innocent.

00:37:17.429 --> 00:37:36.030
And that is already playing out in the form of lost endorsements, TV and movie roles and of course, a tarnished reputation. fame and fortune comes with a tight rope that must be watched carefully. And it's a matter of how bad you want it and how much you're willing to sacrifice in order to walk that walk. It's a shame, but it's our new reality. So next time, the culture pace